This is a copy of the KU NROTC and Navy V-12 Unit newsletter, The Fantail Forum, No. 4, dated 27 April 1946. It was originally printed on two-sided paper, legal size, and upside down on the back side of the pages. So this presented some problems with making scans on my letter sized scanner. Also the pages were not numbered, so other than the first and last pages it is unclear as to order, but every article seems to be self-contained on its own page. I'll list all the names I can find associated with each page, after each page, but please contact me if I missed anyone.
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Noted: Frankie Masters and his Orchestra, K.U., Gove, Lasley, Pihlblad, Watson, Brayman, Navy Farewell Formal
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Noted: Young Summarizes Survey, George Young
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Noted: Notes from Nine, Allen & Klukoski, Jim Allen, P.W. Bottoms, "Soki" Lewis, Arnie Klukoski
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Notes: Seventh Heaven, Dexter Welton, Tom Conely, Don Milligan, Lorie Birch, "Nose" Kachinskas, Bob Dreizler
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Captain J.V. Peterson, USN, Commanding Officer
Comdr. R.J. Baum, USN, Executive Officer
"The Fantail Forum"
Editor, Don Livingston
Staff Members: Arnie Klukowski, Dexter Welton, Louie Anderson, Randy Funsten, George Young, Orvall (Doc) Buell, Howie Dolch, Al Ritts, Merle Mills, Bob Spaur, Dick Olmstead, Marvin Sigle, Bill Riehl
Others mentioned: Karl R. Vogel, Oliver V. Grimm, Paul F. Quick, Richard L. McDowell, George W. Bollin, Raleigh E. Johnson, Lt. Mosely, Lt. Leonard Coldwell, Lt. Howard Morton, Howard Buettner, Miles Aamann, Elizabeth Greene Peterson, Marcie Peterson,
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Notes: All names were noted with the image that has the top of the page.
Fantail Forum, No.4, KU NROTC & NAVY V-12 UNIT, 27 APRIL 1946 |
Notes: Ford Bohl, Tom Soffel, Clarence Marshall, Randy Gumpert, Ed Head, Walker Cooper, Lefty Hammer, Bob Gilmore, Hal Moore, Dick Olmstead ("On Deck with Dick"), Epps, Bill Riehl (illustrator), Lt. Comdr. V.J.McCabe, Lt. W.B. Harvey
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